Three months from today I begin my most epic adventure to date.
Departing from Toronto's Pearson Int'l Airport, I will land in Sidney, Australia, and make my way north to conquer the Australian Outback for a year.
This Aussie vacation will entail no fancy hotel rooms or paid, guided tours. There will be; me, my pack, my whit, and a vast expanse of deserts, tropical rain forests, mountain ranges and a land recently ravaged by flooding and fires - Lets hope there's an island left for me to land on. Not to mention the dozen or so deadly venomous snakes out of the some 100 varying snake species on the continent.
This blog will stand as my main connection to the rest of the world, detailing my travels and adventures, while also serving as a resource for anyone hoping to embark on a similar style trip, with; survival tips, trip routs, unknown destinations and the "do's" and "don'ts" down under, as well as gear reviews on my kit.
I will also be running an exclusive Adventure/Travel column for The Valley Gazette (throughout the Madawaska Valley, Ontario), as well contributing regularly to
With only three months to go till departure the final push will be collecting my kit (gear) and tying up all loose ends around Calgary to prep for a year away. Its a long time to be gone, spending countless days, weeks even months wandering an unknown land. It will be well worth it.
Three Months, four hours, six minutes... Let the adventure begin.